

Die Stadt Vrgorac ist ein interessantes und authentisches dalmatinisches Reiseziel. Aufgrund ihrer geographischen Lage (die Stadt ist von einheimischen Feldern umgeben), ihrer Naturschönheiten, ihrer günstigen klimatischen Bedingungen und ihres reichen kulturhistorischen Erbes wird sie als Perle des dalmatinischen Hinterlandes bezeichnet, eine Stadt im versteckten Biokovo Dalmatiens, eine wahre Oase mit mildem mediterranem und kontinentalem Klima und sauberer Luft, durchdrungen von einer Fülle von Düften mediterraner und medizinischer Pflanzen. Das kulturelle und historische Erbe der Stadt Vrgorac reicht weit in die Vergangenheit zurück. Vom prähistorischen Leben in diesem Gebiet und seinen illyrischen Bewohnern zeugen zahlreiche Hügelgräber, Pfähle und verschiedene Fundstücke, Werkzeuge, Waffen, Geld und Schmuck, als Spuren der ältesten Siedlungen.

№288 in Cities of Croatia

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(11 reviews)
Charming place with rich historic story and we witnessed some of the evidences that shows the great history of the place. From tools to weapons and even jewelry those were some of the fascinating things that explained the history and the cultural heritage of the place.
I came to this place to enjoy the summer sun. I loved swimming and sunbathing on the pebbled beaches. I played ball games and bloated. I had a great time.
The landmarks that are present at the town are wonderful and gorgeous. We visited the monuments as we walked around the town with the help of the guide and it was the best thing that happened to us. We had a great time and we enjoyed the tour.
We had a couple of churches that we visited and the church Of Annunciation Of The Blessed Virgin Mary was the outstanding one. We had a tour around and it was peaceful with lots of amazing things to learn of an see too. We enjoyed the tour and the altar was beautiful and remarkable.
The castle that we visited was lovely and we got to know the history of the place and enjoyed the wonderful things . Great walk through the amazing place and one of my best moments at the tour.
very good!!!
We had an amazing time on the bike trails as we were cycling across Vrgorac and we enjoyed the landscape of the place. It was refreshing.