Risnjak National Park


Der Nationalpark Risnjak ist einer der 8 großartigen Naturparks in Kroatien, der mit seiner Schönheit jedes Jahr mehr Besucher anlockt. Er befindet sich in der hügeligen kroatischen Region Gorski Kotar, nur 15 Kilometer nördlich der Adria. Das Gebiet von Risnjak erstreckt sich über eine beneidenswerte Fläche von 4600 Hektar, und auf Schritt und Tritt spürt man, wie der Geist mit der Natur verschmilzt: Der Park umfasst den herrlichen Risnjak, das Snježnik-Massiv und die schöne Quelle des Flusses Kupa.Risnjak wurde nach einem mittelgroßen Wildtier, dem Luchs, benannt. Der Luchs ist das seltenste und versteckteste Tier in Europa, und nur wenige Jäger und Naturforscher wissen, wie man ihn aufspürt. Risnjak ist reich an verschiedenen üppigen Waldarten, landschaftlich gestalteten Promenaden, kleinen Rasenflächen und festem Gestein, und ist reich an einer beneidenswerten Anzahl von Pflanzenarten und perfekt für Besucher, die einen aktiven Urlaub suchen.

№309 in National parks of Croatia

The Risnjak National Park Maps


(10 reviews)
We found the beautiful source of the River Kupa when we visited the park. We also found an enviable number of plant species and lush forest species from the park that are rare to find elsewhere. The small lawns in the park offered us with a relaxing and refreshing environment.
My friends and i visited this national park during the weekend. the park has beautiful sceneries with lush forests, solid rocks and landscapes. We learnt various species of plants found here.
The park has rich flora and made of dense forest that provides a great place for hunting. We teamed up with my friends and with the help of the guide and it was a success through the entire activity. We managed to hunt one animal.
I really enjoyed touring this National Park. It has a diverse number of plant species. River kupa was my best scenery. It was so amazing and beautiful. I loved every bit of it. The trekking trails were amazing. I got to enjoy the view of its nature.
We toured the lush forest in the park and were glad to find a number of plant species and forest species. The landscaped promenades provided us with beautiful views of the scenic beauty of the nature. An ideal place for a nature escape.
I was delighted to learn that the park was named after a named called Lynx which is the rarest and most hidden beast in Europe.The solid rock found in this park set a good background for my photos and also mesmerized us on the magic of mother nature. We were lucky to find beautiful source of River Kupa.
The small lawns in the park gave us a refreshing and relaxing atmosphere.We went for hunting with my friends in the lush forest and it was an exciting experience to run across the forest with the help of the guides. A wonderful experience it was.