

Der Vorort ist ein wunderschönes Zagorje-Dorf, das vom Gebirgsmassiv Kunagora umgeben ist. Die Berghütte und die markierten Wanderwege, die zu den mittelalterlichen Ruinen der Stadt Kostel-grad führen, sind oft das Ziel von Bergsteigern und Alpinisten. Die erste Weinstraße Kroatiens befindet sich in den wunderschönen Zagorje-Hügeln von Predgrad, einer Stadt mit einem reichen architektonischen Erbe aus der Vergangenheit. In der Vergangenheit lebten hier viele Adelsfamilien, deren Schlösser an ihre Existenz erinnern. Einige von ihnen sind für Besucher geöffnet - Dobrava, Gorica, und einige sind für den Elitetourismus bekannt, wie das luxuriöse Bežanac. Die Thierrijeva-Apotheke (eine der ältesten Apotheken Europas), das Herrenhaus des berühmten Schriftstellers Janko Leskovar und zahlreiche Sakralbauten wie die Zagorje-Kathedrale machen diese romantische Stadt sehenswert.

№255 in Villages and settlements of Croatia

The Pregrada Maps


(11 reviews)
very good!!!
I visited this place and was amazed by the beautiful mountain view. The cool air and the green vegetation made me feel relaxed. I loved watching the sun set behind the mountain while enjoying a cup of hot coffee on the balcony.
This town is quite authentic and original. Its buildings are unique and quite historical. I was able to tour the castle of Dobrava and I was impressed by its architectural design. I was able to learn more about their culture and history. It was amazing.
This town is surrounded with mountains. I really enjoyed hiking to the top. It was an epic experience. The trails were amazing with different scenery of the town. Seeing the view of the town from the top was so nice. I enjoyed my hiking experience.
As a mountaineer this was the best place to be, i went for a hike along the marked trails that lead to the medieval ruins. During the hike, i took pictures of the surrounding especially the mountains for memories. Perfect spot for adventurers.
I was honored to witness the numerous architectural heritage of this place such as the castle that reminded me of the noble families that lived here in the past. I took a selfie near the mansion of the famous writer Janko Leskovar which was well maintained upto date. A beautiful village made of beautiful things and surroundings.
The walk on the trails was really breathtaking for me, i loved the sound of nature around, the other sites i loved was the castles and the mansions not forgetting the cathedral, the view was top notch and the history lesson was worth it