

Komiza auf der Insel Vis hat sich das Flair eines mediterranen Fischerdorfs bewahrt, auch wenn es als Badeort und als Ort für den Umzug in die Blaue Höhle immer beliebter wird. Ein Haufen angenehm widerspenstiger Häuser aus dem 17. und 18. Jahrhundert türmt sich um den Hafen und die Bucht am Fuße des Hum-Hügels. Touristen werden von den schönen Stränden und den engen Straßen und Häusern angezogen, die sich um den Hafen drängen. Dank des milden Mittelmeerklimas ist der Aufenthalt in Komiza auch in den Wintermonaten angenehm. Entlang der gesamten Ostküste der Bucht von Komiza gibt es Kieselstrände mit Trinkwasserquellen: Gusarica, Nova pošta, Velo zalo.

№146 in Villages and settlements of Croatia

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(16 reviews)
The pebble beaches in this place were nice. I enjoyed boating and surfing and later I went for a long walk on the beach. It was amazing to be here.
During our vacation here, we were privileged to visit the Blue Cave whose interiors are to die for, for every interior designs lovers like me. I loved how the sun rays illuminates into the cave turning it to blue rays. Staying in Komizha was pleasant due to the mild Mediterranean climate.
We walked through the narrow roads as we gasped fresh air breath from the surroundings. In the afternoon, we enjoyed swimming in the pebble beautiful beaches which are very clean. At night, we loved staying in the crammed houses around the harbor that were well lit and fit with air conditioners in the spacious rooms
I loved how this fishing village lights up at night. The view from the sea was spectacular. The weather here is not extreme. The pebble beaches were nice to take a walk on. I loved my stay here. The people were really hospitable.
Komizha is a town with amazing pebble beaches. The view of the sea was therapeutic. I was able to sea people fish in its waters. The architectural design and planning of this town was amazing.
The locals in this location engage in intense fishing practices. It was a great experience to learn about how to easily catch a particular type of fish and the preparation methods to ensure they remain fresh for a long time. I will bring my brother in the next visit.
The beautiful beaches in this location like Gusarica, Nova poshta, and velo zalo made my summer vacation more enjoyable. I loved engaging in the games played around the beach and relaxing while busking in the sun.