

Diese Streusiedlung, die sich aus mehreren kleineren Orten zusammensetzt, liegt in den südlichen Ausläufern des Velebit. Die örtliche Bevölkerung beschäftigt sich hauptsächlich mit Olivenanbau, Viehzucht, Tourismus und Fischerei. Zu den Sehenswürdigkeiten gehören die Kirche des heiligen Georg in Rovanjska aus dem neunten Jahrhundert und daneben ein mittelalterlicher Friedhof mit Grabsteinen, die Kirche des heiligen Hieronymus in Jasenice aus dem 19. Jahrhundert und die Kirche des heiligen Frane in Velebit. Leider ist der Ort für das massive Massaker an der örtlichen älteren Bevölkerung während der serbischen Aggression im Jahr 1991 bekannt. Die Besucher werden sich sicherlich für die 24 km lange historische Straße interessieren, die als Meisterstraße bekannt ist. Es handelt sich um eine einzigartige Bergstraße, die wunderschöne Panoramablicke und Aussichten auf die Felsen, den Archipel von Zadar und das Hinterland bietet, auf denen man reiten, fotografieren und allgemein die Natur genießen kann.

№319 in Villages and settlements of Croatia

The Jasenice Maps


(10 reviews)
very good!!!
We went for a long walk on the historic road, along the way we enjoyed the panoramic views of the unique mountain surrounding the roads. The views of the rock was appealing to the eye especially how they glittered. It was a wonderful place to fall in love with nature.
Since we had carried our cameras, we took photographs of this place for memories. We took a photo of the medieval cemetery that has tombstones that create a reminiscence of the people who lived here. An ideal place for photographers and historians.
This was the ideal place for our spiritual nourishment. The Church of St Jerome and the Church of St Frane whose interior designs were good and well decorated were therapeutic to us. We also bought some olive oils to take back home after our trip.
The sandy clean beaches at this place were amazing. I loved swimming and sunbathing while enjoying cool drinks. I made new friends with whom we talked all day long. It was an amazing experience.
We went fishing at the place on our trip to the place and it was remarkable. Lots of amazing places to visit with stunning views and exciting things that are unique and lovely to see. I loved the diverse nature that the place holds and the wonderful experience that i had.
The churches, a medieval cemetery with tombstones are some of the sights to behold during a trip here. I had come to witness the 24 km long historic road, of which i did. During my walk on this road, i loved the beautiful panoramic views of the rocks surrounding it.