Insel Lastovo


Lastovo und die umliegenden Inseln bilden den Naturpark Lastovo, einen von elf Naturparks in Kroatien. 70 % dieser Inselgruppe sind mit Bäumen bewachsen, was Lastovo zur zweitältesten Insel Kroatiens (nach Mljet) macht.Die Insel wird auch als "Insel der hellen Sterne" bezeichnet, und Astrologen behaupten, sie habe den schönsten Sternenhimmel in ganz Europa. Dies ist darauf zurückzuführen, dass die Insel einen der dunkelsten Himmel des Kontinents hat und die Lichtverschmutzung gering ist. Mit dieser Eigenschaft lädt die Insel einfach zu einem Besuch ein, der Ihnen für den Rest Ihres Lebens in Erinnerung bleiben wird, da er von der perfekten Mischung aus hellen Sternen und kristallblauem Meer erzählt.

№329 in Islands of Croatia

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Insel Lastovo
5.0 (1 review)

The Insel Lastovo Maps


(10 reviews)
very good!!!
At night, it was an exciting experience to stare at beautiful starry sky as we drew different patterns from the formation of the stars. I loved how the blue crystal sea and the bright stars blended. Such an unforgettable experience that i will live to tell tales about.
As a nature lover, being at this nature park was a fulfillment. We walked through the nature park as admired the adorning beauty of the surroundings. The park is an oasis of peace and tranquility.
Snorkelling with my boyfriend was an awesome experience for us as we caught the glimpse of the sea creatures. I love swimming in the beaches in this Island, the water are clean and crystal clear. Also, the beaches have sandy sea floors and rock backgrounds that sum up the beauty and the essence of this island .
The beautiful view of the reefs and cliffs at this place was breathtakingly wonderful. I enjoyed swimming at the same clean beaches and later I went to the archaeological museum where I learned a lot about the history of this place.
The experience at the island during the night distinguishes it from all the other places and makes it an amazing place to be. We loved the sky and the view of the island and the landscape with the dazzling waters of the sea. Remarkable place to have our vacation and enjoy the time.
There is always an adventure to go to in Lastovo. My boyfriend and I delighted in taking walks along the beautiful streets and wine tasting the exotic wines. It was a memorable experience!