Dobra River


Der Fluss Dobra ist ein großer überschwemmter Fluss in der Gespanschaft Karlovac und ist einer von 4 herrlichen Flüssen, die durch die mittelalterliche Stadt Karlovac fließen. Er gilt als einer der besten Orte für Rafting; der Fluss hat eine lange Tradition von kommerziellen Rafting-Touren, die seit fast einem Jahrzehnt aktiv sind. eine moderne Form des Abenteuers, Rafting-Expeditionen entlang dieses schnellen Flusses helfen, viele begeisterte Abenteurer anzuziehen, die die unglaubliche Schönheit dieses Flusses das ganze Jahr über genießen.

№125 in Other territories of Croatia

The Dobra River Maps


(17 reviews)
We went rafting at the Dobra River and the experience was unmatched. The team of us that were rafting was competitive and we enjoyed every moment on the river. Thrilling experience that made our visit worth the while.
This is best river to raft. Its experience is so spectacular. It's a fast flowing river with a lot of water. The view of its banks was so lovely. My friend and I had an amazing time rafting on this river.
The cool air in this place was welcoming. I enjoyed looking at the vegetation. The residents were friendly and welcoming. I will come back here.
It was an adventurous trip for me and my friends to go for rafting along the beautiful river. The scenic beauty of this river is something to die for,it acted a good background for photoshoot. The river flows through the medieval town of Karlovac.
We sat by the river and watched its water flow fast. Like my grandma said, flowing waters act as a stress reliever, the water of this River were therapeutic. At the river, one can see the beautiful town of Karlovac.
I visited this place with my friends and we really enjoyed the rafting expeditions. This place is so adventurous and cool I really loved it here.
We wanted an active vacation and ended up here. We went for a rafting expedition on the fast-moving river. The experience was scary but fun. Some members of our group chose to walk along the river enjoying the vegetation. We finally rested at a hotel where we had a sell prepared meal and later rested recalling our river expedition. Our trip was cool.