Park prirode Kopački rit


Kopački Rit je park prirode u istočnoj Hrvatskoj u općinama Bilje i Kneževi Vinogradi. Smješten je sjeverozapadno od ušća Drave u Dunav, na granici sa Srbijom. Obuhvaća mnoge rukavce i bare uz Dunav. Jedno je od najvažnijih, najvećih i najatraktivnijih očuvanih netaknutih močvara u Europi. Dio Kopačkog Rita određen je kao zoološki rezervat.Park prirode Kopački rit nadaleko je poznat po ptičjoj populaciji. U njemu obitava čak 300 različitih vrsta ptica, što čini 80% vrsta zabilježenih u ornitofauni Hrvatske.Kopački je rit najveće mrijestilište riba ovoga dijela porječja Dunava. Faunu riba Kopačkoga rita čini više od 50 slatkovodnih vrsta, među kojima su najzastupljenije riječni šaran, štuka, som, smuđ…Zbog blago valovitoga mikroreljefa u Kopačkom je ritu izražena mozaičnost staništa. Ovisno o dubini i vremenu zadržavanja poplavne vode izmjenjuju se i različite biljne zajednice.Popis flore za područje Parka prirode sadrži više od 500 biljnih vrsta prema dosadašnjim istraživanjima.

№226 in National parks of Croatia

The Park prirode Kopački rit Maps


(13 reviews)
very good!!!
I found Kopachki Rit Nature Park a wonderful place for bird watching. I was also refreshed to ride a boat here while enjoying the lush green vegetation.
We loved Kopachki Rit Nature Park that it has many animals that are being cared for. Watching the cute deers was thrilling for us. An awesome place for the whole family.
The atmosphere of Kopachki Rit Nature Park is amazing. The scenic views entrancing especially the sunsets. I had delicious food and was very refreshed to visit the park.
We were tremendously blessed to exercise by walking in Kopachki Rit Nature Park up to the river. It is an outstanding park to visit.
We had amazing cycling experience with friends and family through the international routes that was remarkable.we had the chance of witnessing the beautiful lscenes and landscape.
The tour guides were amazing and we had good encounter with them as we had our tour around the Rit nature park. Good relation and definitly would love to have them again for a tour.