Otok Zlarin


Poznat kao "zlatni otok" zbog netaknute ljepote, Zlarin je otok borova, pješčanih plaža, idiličnih uvala i jedno tradicionalno selo. Samo oko 8 km, Zlarin je od kopna odvojen Šibenskim kanalom, a od ostalih otoka u šibenskom arhipelagu Zlarinskim kanalom.Zlarin je najpoznatiji po svojoj jedinstvenoj kulturi koja se temelji na berbi koralja i pretvaranju u nakit i ukrase. Stanovnici Zlarina od davnina su bili ribari i pomorci i bili su prvi koraljni ribolovci na Jadranu. Na Zlarinu postoji "muzej koralja" koji objašnjava kako se izrađuje prekrasan crveni koraljni nakit, a naravno postoje i trgovine za kupnju predmeta od koralja.Na Zlarinu su pronađeni tragovi ilirskih i rimskih naselja. Od 13. do 19. stoljeća otok je bio u posjedu šibenskih biskupa i nekoliko plemićkih obitelji. U 16. i 17. stoljeću izbjeglice od turskih invazija napuhale su lokalno stanovništvo koje je još jednom osiromašeno nakon Drugog svjetskog rata kada je slaba ekonomija potaknula mnoge na emigraciju.Prekrasna pješčana plaža, obilje zelenila i mirni ambijent potaknuli su razvoj turizma na Zlarinu do kojeg je lako doći iz Šibenika trajektom.

№223 in Islands of Croatia

The Otok Zlarin Maps


(13 reviews)
It was superfun to walk barefoot on the sandy beach. It was an educative tour, in the coral museum i learnt how to make beautiful red coral jewelry. I also bought coral items in the coral shops found here.
We visited the greenery and the peaceful ambience of this place is refreshing. I was fascinated by the unique culture of the locals in this Island, whereby they pick coral and turn it into jewels and ornaments. I bought some jewellery and ornaments to take back home .
The sandy clean beach in this place was cool. The beach was not populated thus giving me a peaceful vacation. I wanted a passive, quiet vacation and I found it here. The food was delicious and the waiters friendly.
I bought some of the jewellery made by the locals for my Husband and kids, they were really beautiful to the eye. We really had an amazing time with my sister talking to the sailors and listening to some of their wild trips and snapping to the sunset, this vacation was really awesome
The abundance of greenery around provided with the magical beauty of mother nature. It was fun to compete running on the pebble sandy beach with my friends. We took a photo near the traces of Illyrian and Roman settlements found in Zlarin for memories.
We toured this place during the summer season, we rested under the shades of the pine trees that provided us with a pleasant atmosphere.We engaged in coral collecting and the locals turned them into jewelry and ornaments.We also bought some jewelry to take back home .
The most fascinating thing about the people of this town is how they make ornaments from corals. The beauty of this Island was really captivating. I loved every moment I spent here. The people were so friendly and hospitable.