Otok Iž


Otok Iž smješten je između Dugog otoka i Ugljana. Okružuje ga desetak malih otočića i hridi. Naseljen je još od pretpovijesti. Spominje se u 10. stoljeću pod imenom Ez. Kroz srednji vijek i kasnije bio je posjed zadarskih plemića. Otok je poznat po maslinarstvu i lončarstvu. Dva su veća naselja na otoku – Veli Iž i Mali Iž. Otok okružuje desetak malih otočića i hridi pa je vrlo popularan među nautičarima. Zaista, najbolje ga je istraživati morskim putem. Ali tu su i brojne pješačke i biciklističke staze, za one željne aktivnog odmora.

№373 in Islands of Croatia

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Otok Iž
4.8 (10 review)

The Otok Iž Maps


(8 reviews)
very good!!!
It was nice meeting tourist from various nations in the island of Iz. We communicated together and enjoyed our good times. It was a point of getting new friends.
Our adventure to Island of Iz was fabulous. We enjoyed waterfall boat tour that was amazing. The experience is for a lifetime.
I really liked sailing in the archipelago. It was amazing and fantastic. I will tour again the place.
My sister and I enjoyed sunbathing along the beach. The beach has clean sand with numerous resting points that have been erected.
We did tour the best vegetarian restaurant in the Island of Iz. The meals were delicious and great. What an amazing moment.
The Island of Iz has a rich culture of pottery making. We were amazed with potters and crafters who were making local home products. I purchased one of the products.