Der Strand Zlatni rat


Der Strand Zlatni rat (Zlatni rog oder Zlatni rt) ist einer der schönsten Strände des Mittelmeers, und dank seiner besonderen Form gehört er auch zu den bekanntesten Stränden der Welt. Viele weltbekannte Wirtschafts- und Reisemagazine wie die New York Times, National Geographic und Insider Travel haben ihn in ihren Artikeln mehrfach als einen der spektakulärsten Strände der Welt bezeichnet. Die Eleganz und Attraktivität des Goldenen Krieges haben ihn zu einem Symbol der Stadt Bol und Kroatiens gemacht, und die kroatische Regierung schützt ihn als geomorphologisches Denkmal. Aber es ist nicht nur seine Form, die ihn so schön und einzigartig macht. Er ist von kristallklarem Meer umgeben, das in 10 bis 20 Metern Tiefe von türkisblau bis dunkelblau reicht, und wird von jahrzehntealten Kiefern gesäumt, die von Einheimischen gepflanzt wurden, um natürlichen Schatten zu spenden.

See more about The island of Brac

№1 of 53 places in The island of Brac
№1 of 2178 places in Croatia
№1 of 36 public beach in The island of Brac
№1 of 790 public beach in Croatia

Guides in this place

Place Type

public beach


Insel Brac

Place Location

Put Zlatnog Rata, 21420, Bol


(23 reviews)
This beach is shaped like a horn. The view is spectacular and the beach is covered with fine pebbles. The blue waters makes it a perfect spot for a picnic. I really enjoyed swimming in its waters and kite surfing. I had a great time here.
What i loved most about this place was the sea food, well executed. The beach also had pebbles long its coast, i carried some as souvenirs to remember this place.
The shape of this beach is unique. Swimming in its blue waters was a memorable expeience
I am a nature enthusiast and I was impressed to realize that the pines were planted by the residents. beautiful beach indeed
my son ended up winning his contest because of the beautiful pictures he got from thus beach. it is a place that once visited is unforgettable
The beautiful horn shape of the beach makes every photo worth it. I cannot count the number of photos I took of this magnificent location.
I was delighted to see my kids enjoy swimming in the crystal clear waters. The spectacular shape of the beach compliments its uniqueness. In the afternoons, we loved staying under the shade of the trees which we learnt that they were planted by the locals. Would definitely recommend anyone to come here.
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