Die Bucht Ducac


Die Bucht Ducac liegt nicht weit von Postira entfernt. Wenn Sie auf der Suche nach einem Ort zum Ausruhen sind, weit weg von den Menschenmassen der Stadt, besuchen Sie die Bucht Ducac und genießen Sie die Ruhe und die Düfte der Flora der Insel Brac. Sie können die Ducac-Bucht mit dem Boot und dem Auto erreichen.

See more about The island of Brac

№9 of 53 places in The island of Brac
№454 of 2178 places in Croatia
№9 of 36 public beach in The island of Brac
№253 of 790 public beach in Croatia

Place Type

public beach


Insel Brac

Place Location



(4 reviews)
Sunbathing at the beach was relaxing and it was quiet that allowed me to enjoy the best of the place. I loved the temperatures at the beach and it gave me the entertaining feeling through the time.
Among the great thing about the bay is the beautiful landscape and the amazing sea. We went for a cruise across the bay and loved the great things that were present. Good vibes at the boat and it was lovely having the best experience at the place.
The beach is not crowded and it gave me the chance to go swimming at the sea. We enjoyed the waters of the sea and the amazing atmosphere was great for our time at the beach.
very good!!!
In The island of Brac we found 53 places. Show results