

Dorf und Fährhafen im nördlichen Teil der Insel. Auf dem Hügel oberhalb der Anlegestelle befand sich in der Antike ein Leuchtturm, nach dem der Ort benannt wurde (Pharum insulae). Heute sind die Ruinen des Franziskanerklosters Sv. Nikolaus und die gotische Kirche aus dem 15. Jahrhundert. Jahrhundert. Die Überreste der Stadtmauern und der alten Kirche sind erhalten und eignen sich hervorragend zur Besichtigung.

№567 in Cities of Croatia

The Porozina Maps


(4 reviews)
The ruins of the monastery created a renaissance of architecture , we even a took at the ruins for memories.The old Gothic church is well preserved upto date, i learnt that it was a victim of many robberies and also got burnt in the 16th century. Inside the church, there are Glagolitic inscriptions on its walls.
Being a lover of nature, this place was the best for my vacation. I enjoyed long walks to the countryside. The untouched vegetation and the lush greenery were perfect. The smell of wet soil in the air was amazing. I enjoyed seeing birds chipping and dying from one tree to another. The experience I had here was great.
Main attraction are the sites located here, it does offer a ferry ride that is interesting and just fun. I found the ruins located here to be interesting to visit and just see, hence the history o the village something wonderful to hear.
very good!!!