

Lijepi gradić Kraljevica se nalazi otprikije 20 km od Rijeke, odnosno na ulazu u Bakarski zaljev. Zapravo, najmoćnije hrvatske plemićke obitelji iz srednjeg vijeka- Zrinski i Frankopani, vladali su ovim prostorom pa se tako iz tog razdoblja ističu očuvani feudalni dvorci vidljivi i danas.Naime, turizam se u Kraljevici počeo razvijati već u 19. stoljeću kada je austrijski grof Ollschbaur sagradio prvi hotel, koji je kasnije preuređen u luksuzno ljetovalište. Čisto more, uređene plaže, kulturna događanja, učinili su da su mnogi poznati umjetnici i osobe voljeli posjećivati Kraljevicu i uživati u njenom šarmu malog primorskog gradića.Danas je Kraljevica pomorsko i brodograditeljsko središte na Jadranu, a prekrasne uvale Dubno i Scott sa svojim dobro uređenim kampovima privlače brojne turiste.

№270 in Cities of Croatia

The Kraljevica Maps


(11 reviews)
I toured the maritime and shipbuilding company in this place and I was amazed. My guide took me around explaining every step. The experience was good. I booked a campsite and stayed here for 2 days enjoying the good weather.
The castle was beautiful and built in a very unique way, the design was authentic. The bay is also a great place to chill and look at the boats as they come and leave and also to witness ship building. Awesome experience
It was an educative tour as we learnt of the Croatian noble families who ruled this area and even built castles that are visible upto date. We stayed at the well maintained camps where the staff were friendly to us . The camps are clean and well maintained
We toured the well kept beaches and enjoyed swimming in its crystal clear water. We joined the locals in the cultural events and even got to taste some of the traditional cuisines made out of love. This small coastal town is a charm.
This small coastal town is a must visit. I enjoyed every moment I spent in this town. Swimming in its clean waters was so relaxing. The castles within this town were huge and they have existed since the Middle Ages.
This town has existed since the Middle Ages. It is a beautiful Coastal town. Its waters are really good and lovely. I enjoyed spending my time here. It was a fabulous moment swimming in its waters.
I toured the beautiful castles in this location that were once inhabited by the noble families of Frankopani and Zrinski. I learned about how these families were able to acquire this land and their ruling styles. It was a great experience