Insel Kakan


Kakan ist eine unbewohnte Insel in einer Inselgruppe vor Sibenik. Kakan ist von der Insel Kaprije im Osten durch einen kanaanitischen Kanal getrennt. Sie besteht aus Kalkstein. Eine Reihe von Knotenpunkten endet im Südosten der Insel. In den Tälern, in denen nur wenig rote Erde zu finden ist, bauen die Bewohner der Nachbarinsel Kaprije Wein und Oliven an; der Rest der Insel ist mit Gras und niedrigen Sträuchern bewachsen. An der Nordostküste liegen die Inselchen Veli und Mali Borovnjak, an der Südostküste Veli und Mali Kamenjak und an der Nordwestküste die Klippen von Mala Mare (Kleine Maria). Kakan ist ein beliebtes Ziel von Wanderern und Bootsfahrern, die die Ruhe und die unberührte Natur genießen. Es gibt einen Strand neben einem schönen Wald.

№419 in Islands of Croatia

The Insel Kakan Maps


(7 reviews)
My family fell in love with this island while visiting on a boat trip. We were served delicious fish, tenderly cooked meat, and tasty olive oil. The hosts were really warm and friendly. The kids are eager to visit again!
My friends and I visited the heavenly island of Kakan. We especially enjoyed the camping experience. The place is very quiet and peaceful making it very ideal for a relaxed trip. We look forward to another trip.
My boyfriend and I visit Kakan once in a while to experience the deep serenity found here. We like taking nature walks and admiring the sunset views from this island that are just magical! This is a very unique island.
I had the time of my life on Kakan Island. I fell in love with its clean beaches with Peebles, and pristine clear waters. The scenic sunset views were just enchanting. This island is worth a visit!
We always have a wonderful time taking a trip to this island. The wine tasting experience here is usually spectacular and unforgettable. This is a very fun place to visit!
I really had a blast visiting Kakan Island. The yacht tour was super fun and I really admired the lush vegetation and beautiful shores. This island is just paradisical!
very good!!!