Insel Badija


Der Korcula-Archipel besteht aus etwa zwanzig kleinen Inseln und Inselchen, die eine einzigartige Oase der Schönheit bilden.Die Insel Badija, die größte und bekannteste, beherbergt das Franziskanerkloster aus dem 15.Jahrhundert. Starke Meeresströmungen rund um die Insel lassen extrem klares Wasser mit türkisfarbenen Untertönen aufleben. Die kleine Insel ist an der Population von Damhirschen zu erkennen, die sich 1958 auf Badija ansiedelten, als die Verwaltung der Brijuni-Inseln zwei Paare von Damhirschen hierher brachte. Im Laufe der Jahre haben sich die Damhirsche an die Anwesenheit von Menschen gewöhnt, so dass man oft beobachten kann, dass Touristen, insbesondere Kinder, sie aus der Hand füttern.

№235 in Islands of Croatia

The Insel Badija Maps


(12 reviews)
very good!!!
Badija is an island to be visited by everyone. I always bring my kids to this destination. My wife and I love swimming in the heavenly waters while the kids love feeding the adorable deers. I highly recommend it.
We visited this island with my friends and fell in love with it. The boat trips to the sea were the most memorable and we saw a lot of beautiful creatures in the sea. What a trip we had!
We had a nice trip to this cute island. We went for strolls around the island admiring the scenic views. We later ate delicious food and tasty wine in the pretty restaurants. The trip was worth every penny.
There is a mystical vibe to this island. I enjoyed hiking in its unspoiled surroundings while admiring the ancient churches ruins and the lush vegetation. It really fascinated me.
This island is a paradise on earth. I enjoyed swimming in its unspoiled beaches and bays. The clean turquoise waters felt like lotion to my skin. It was a memorable trip.
I still remember my visit to Badija island. The island's coastline was really beautiful, quaint and the sunsets were just phenomenal. I highly recommend this tranquil spot if you want to experience deep relaxation.