Vabriga wilder Strand


Bis vor ein paar Jahren war der Strand wenig bekannt und wurde nur von Einheimischen besucht. Jetzt ist er ein beliebter und schöner Kieselstrand mit einem Café und einer Toilette, einem Erholungsgebiet und einem Parkplatz. Am Strand können Sie Liegestühle und Wassersportgeräte (SUP, Kajak und Jetski) ausleihen. Der Strand ist auch ein schöner und interessanter Ort zum Tauchen, denn es gibt in seinem östlichen Teil eine seltene Art von Edelmuschel, die manchmal bis zu einem halben Meter groß wird und nur in klarem Wasser lebt. Da die Muschel unter Naturschutz steht, darf man sie nicht anfassen und aus dem Wasser nehmen, denn das kann eine hohe Strafe nach sich ziehen. Trotzdem wird es Ihnen sicher Spaß machen, über sie zu tauchen und sie in ihrem natürlichen Lebensraum zu sehen.

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№1 of 4 places in Vabriga
№71 of 2178 places in Croatia
№1 of 1 wild beach in Vabriga
№2 of 43 wild beach in Croatia

Place Type

wild beach



Place Location


(12 reviews)
I loved the cozy beach and the warm friendly weather here. The view of the sunset from the hotel balcony was also something else. I loved it and while definitely come back.
The best part about visiting this particular beach is the fact that there are recreational areas and one does not necessarily need to just be in the water. I also noticed that there was a specific area for diving and a rare species of noble pen shell. Water recreation equipment for kayaking and jet skiing are also available for renting. There is a cafe for when you want something to eat or drink and of course the toilet/changing area. It is less crowded so i think i just found the perfect holiday destination!
My friends and i rented some equipment and enjoyed Kayaking and Stand Up paddleboarding in the clear sea. We also enjoyed diving and discovered the rare protected specie called Noble Pen. So you should not touch it or take it out of the water if you spot it or you'd get a big penalty for that.
The clean waters of this place was arousing. I enjoyed surfing, it made my weekend getaway experience interesting. Unforgettable times.
Kayaks and jet skis are up for rents as we enjoyed the sweet sea breeze and had fun. We also rented the chairs and relaxed ourselves with the time spent at the pebble beach with toilets available as well as parking spots. We had a remarkable time with my friends as we enjoyed swimming and the unique species made it more exciting.
very good!!!
The beach had shops to buy hats and other beach accessories, the weather was romantic my wife and i had a wonferful time bonding
In Vabriga we found 4 places. Show results