Der Podvrshke Strand


Der Strand Podvrshke ist ein schöner Kiesel- und Sandstrand, der nur zwei Kilometer von der Stadt Murter entfernt ist. Er wird hauptsächlich von Einheimischen besucht und ist nicht übermäßig bekannt, was Liebhaber ruhiger Orte freuen wird. Man kann ihn zu Fuß, mit dem Fahrrad oder mit dem Auto erreichen. Die Küste des Strandes ist kieselig, während das Meer sandig ist. Entlang des Strandes befindet sich ein Pinienwald, der in den heißen Sommermonaten natürlichen Schatten spendet. Liegestühle und SUPs können am Strand gemietet werden. Es gibt auch eine Bar, aber auch ein Angebot an Pfannkuchen, Waffeln und Eiscreme - für jeden etwas. Wir empfehlen einen Spaziergang am Meer entlang zum Strand Slanice.

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№3 of 10 places in Murter
№309 of 2178 places in Croatia
№1 of 4 public beach in Murter
№132 of 790 public beach in Croatia

Place Type

public beach



Place Location

Ul. Marka Marulića, 22244, Murter


(6 reviews)
this pebbly sandy beach is beautiful is not really known b many so it is perfect for introverts. It has a pine forest that provides a small bit natural shade . sun loungers can be rented here. There is a bar where you can get a drink or bite.
Being a therapist it is obvious i love quiet places with serene beauty. Spending time here at i enjoyed very tasty pancakes and waffles while enjoying the beach. I would recommend a walk along the sea to the beach Slanice.
The pine forest along the beach provided us with a shade against the hot summer sun. What delighted me most about this beach was how peaceful it was. An oasis of peace and tranquility
We went for a long walk along the sea and we enjoyed the beautiful views of the sunset and the stunning beauty of the sea. We were offered with pancakes, waffles and ice cream. The ice cream was relaxing
We took a walk along the pebble and sandy beach and the experience was unmatched. it is a little bit crowded but we enjoyed the natural shade from the pine trees. There are also sun loungers for hire and the bar was spectacular with drinks. Pancakes in the morning at the spot gave the best feeling at the beach.
very good!!!
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