Plaža Prigradica


Prigradica je jedna od starijih naseljenih uvala na otoku, a krase je kamene kuće koje kao da izranjaju iz mora. Te su kuće korištene u svrhu skladištenja visoko cijenjenog blatskog vina, ulja i ostale poljoprivredne robe koja se brodovima izvozila u jadranske i mediteranske gradove. Razvojem ove male trgovačke luke izgrađen je veliki kameni lukobran, tijekom ljetnih mjeseci dolazi katamaran iz Splita, preko Hvara i dalje povezuje grad Korčulu.Danas je Prigradica ekskluzivno turističko mjesto sa trendom širenja i povezivanja s okolnim uvalama. Neki od objekata uspjeli su sačuvati izvorni stil, ali velika većina su moderne i novoizgrađene zgrade. Tijekom cijele ljetne sezone u Prigradici rade restorani, barovi i trgovine. Većina obale u Prigradicama je strma i stjenovita, ali pored Prigradice ima uređeno kupalište s šljunčanom plažom.

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№1 of 1 places in Prigradica
№551 of 2178 places in Croatia
№1 of 1 public beach in Prigradica
№344 of 790 public beach in Croatia

Guides in this place

Place Type

public beach



Place Location


(4 reviews)
The bay is well built and equipped throughout. When we visited the place we enjoyed the services and rented a boat with my boyfriend. We went on a cruise across the bay and enjoyed some music with the guide on the boat as well as the scenic views of the bay and the dazzling waters of the views.
The restaurant and the beach bar were among the superb places that we enjoyed to visit with my family. We had some delicious meals and drinks with refreshments that we loved and had a great time with the family for the vacation.
Rocky and pebble beaches at the place were amazing for our visit for the summer. The temperatures and the weather for the place was among the great things that we had and we enjoyed swimming at the swimming pools and the beaches and sea. Unforgettable moments with friends and it was fun.
very good!!!
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