Plaža Dubna


Ako ste ljubitelj pješačenja nećete imati problema sa dolaskom do plaže Dubna. Nalazi se na otprilike dva sata hoda od Baške po pješačkim stazama koje, ovisno o vašem ritmu hodanja, možete prijeći i za sat do sat i pol vremena.


U slučaju da se odlučite za ovakvu vrstu avanture svakako se dobro opremite za trekking u skladu sa vremenom i godišnjim dobom.


Nagrada neće izostati - zbog malo teže dostupnosti plaža Dubna nenapučena je i često gotovo prazna čak i na vrhuncu ljetne sezone pa je izgledno da ćete na njoj u plivanju i sunčanju moći uživati sami.


Sama plaža je šljunčana sa nešto kamenja, a morsko dno šljunčano i kamenito. Na njoj nećete naći nikakve dodatne sadržaje pa sve što vam je potrebno za dan na plaži ponesite sa sobom.


U slučaju da vam se neda pješačiti, taksi brod možete naručiti u Baškoj. Ako imate svoj brod biti će vam još i lakše zaputiti se prema plaži Dubna i na njoj neometano provesti divan dan u društvu prijatelja ili obitelji.

See more about Krk Island

№10 of 26 places in Krk Island
№846 of 2178 places in Croatia
№8 of 9 public beach in Krk Island
№628 of 790 public beach in Croatia

Guides in this place

Place Type

public beach


Otok Krk

Place Location



(4 reviews)
The evening walk along Dubna beach is indeed worth trying. It is great for walking: you can go on the cliffs above the beach and on the beach itself. The beach is well maintained by the local authorities. The washrooms are also well kept. I indeed enjoyed my stay two night camp there.
If you like taking adventures then this is the place to be. The beach was quite beautiful and the sea was eye catching.The trail walk was also something I liked and the fact that I went there on a cool day just made things more ideal. Really loved the adventure.
First time here and YOU really have to go! The place is great and the atmosphere is chill and cool, the breeze was warm and elegant, i also enjoyed swimming in these waters. Dubna is elegant with an awesome vibe. Loved this place!
very good!!!
In Krk Island we found 26 places. Show results