Modro jezero


Modro jezero je jedno od najljepših prirodnih kraških jezera u Hrvatskoj smješteno u blizini grada Imotskog. Leži u dubokoj jami koja je vjerojatno nastala urušavanjem ventilacijske podzemne špilje. Ukupna dubina s gornjeg ruba iznosi 220 metara i ona varira ovisno o sezoni. Razina vode mogla bi doseći više od 90 metara u rano proljeće kada se snijeg s obližnjih planina otopi. Na kraju ljeta jezero bi mistično moglo nestati, zato se na njegovom dnu nalazi fascinantno nogometno igralište. Jezero je popularno mjesto za turiste i stanovnike grada Imotskog jer je vrlo dostupno. Uz to postoje staze koje idu gotovo do dna jezera. Unutar jezera ima mnogo špilja, do kojih je vrlo teško doći. Najbolje vrijeme za posjet je zima i proljeće.

№315 in Lakes of Croatia

The Modro jezero Maps


(10 reviews)
very good!!!
The water appeared blue. It was a good experience touring around the lake with my family.We enjoyed everything at the lake.
I was here for a vacation and felt good riding in aboat. The decision to visit blue lake was good.
The hospitable people of the area treated us really nice with my family. I felt touched by their acts of kindness and wish to revisit the place when I have time.
The lake is so cool and peaceful. I toured around alone and enjoyed the scenaries around.
We we here during the winter period, my kids loved playing football in the spacious fascinating football field at the bottom of the lake. It was mesmerizing to learn that the lakes mystically disappears sometimes. I wish i could experience it, i will definitely come back.
The trails towards the bottom of the lake were therapeutic to me. As i walked down the trail gasping fresh air, i meditated about my life. A good place it is to relieve stress.