Anna De

Anna De ico-vefified-1

Member Since Nov 2021

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Reviews from guests

Showing 31 - 40 of 581 total


30/11/2021 11:22

The guide really helped me to familiarise myself with this town. I got to know of all the interesting places to visit and all the events that take place. I visited 7 out 0f the 10 places and I had an amazing time. I enjoyed touring the rivers. The activities there were splendid.


10/12/2021 11:22

We had the best experience thanks to the informative guide. my friends and i visited six places out of ten. Karlovac is a good place to visit that will be worth your efforts and pennies.


24/11/2021 11:22

I took a look in the guide and visited the place with my family and enjoyed the nice things that the place has. We had a tour at the aquarium with my kids and they loved the educative tour and the amazing fish species displayed at the place. Remarkable place for kids and everybody. Amazing guide.


23/10/2021 11:22

The River has many sources and we visited the place with my friends and enjoyed the activity that was listed in the guide, it was very suggestive. The river has barriers and waterfalls and gives it the thrill for kayaking. Unmatched experience on the river with my friends.


02/11/2021 11:22

Charming place to have a visit and enjoy the marvel things that the nature offers. A vacation at place was amazing and we went hiking on the on the beautiful hills of the place. The walk was great and we loved every bit of it. Awesome guide


27/10/2021 11:22

It was an awesome experience to engage in sport activities at a beach . My kids also were not bored as they were a variety of devices that entertained them. I couldn't have found it were it not for the guide.


12/12/2021 11:22

Refreshing moments in Karlovac with the help of the guide , we visited most of the places and loved the experience especially at the Korona River which is the most popular for swimming and enjoyment. Am glad i experienced the cool activity of swimming into this river. An experience of a kind, i loved it,.


03/12/2021 11:22

The guide really came in handy when I was visiting this historical town. I loved it. I did not miss any historical place within this town. It was such an educative trip.


28/11/2021 11:22

This place is so rich in history. I loved using the guide to make myself aware of various historical sites and features within this town. I already knew what to except when I visited this places but they all surpassed my imagination


13/10/2021 11:22

I really enjoyed touring these historical places in Solin. It a wonderful experience. The guide helped me locate these places. Touring these historical places, I was able to learn about their history and cultural heritage. It was an educative trip.
Showing 31 - 40 of 581 total