Anna De

Anna De ico-vefified-1

Member Since Nov 2021

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Reviews from guests

Showing 81 - 90 of 581 total


29/12/2021 11:22

We had an amazing three day guide that was helpful and we had a chance to visit most of locations on our tour at Brac Island. We loved our trip on the first day especially biking through the peek as we enjoyed the beautiful views of the Island.We also walked barefoot on the pebble sand beach and even swam in the mesmerising blue waters. We are glad to follow the guide given.


13/12/2021 11:22

We managed to reach the Island of Brac with the assistance of the guide and enjoyed every moment we spent here. The guide was well detailed of what to expect during our stay here, it outlined the recreational , educational and interesting things to see and explore on the Island.Lucice Bay was my favourite to visit because am both a diver and a boater.


02/01/2022 11:22

The guide really helped me to familiarize myself with this town. I visited the historical centres and they just appear as they have been described on the guide. It was a thrilling experience.


01/11/2021 11:22

Cres is just a town next to Lake Vrana. With the help of the guide, I was able learn of all the places I should visit. I visited 6 of this places. They all stood out in a unique way. The churches were magnificent. My experience here was fascinating thanks to the guide.


28/11/2021 11:22

I had a thrilling and adventurous experience touring this place. Through the guide, I located the places to visit. As I moved from one place to another, I was stunned by the architectural design and planning of this town. I really had a wonderful experience.


07/11/2021 11:22

The guide to various destinations to Cres has adequate information. I was excited to visit Church of St George that features a protector of Knights and crusaders. I also visited other five locations in this guide which all offered an amazing experience.


01/11/2021 11:22

A walk on the historic and factual world, we enjoyed our trip to the lake. The spectacular views of the turquoise waters of the lake was amusing and the trip was worth it. I loved my time at the place and took some amazing pictures of the place. The guide was of amazing help


28/10/2021 11:22

A story was told about our visit to cres with my fiance as we enjoyed the interesting stories at the city museum which we saw in the guide. Magical moments as we toured around and witnessed the archeological collection that stuns the place. Gorgeous place.


08/11/2021 11:22

According to the guide, Churches and Monastery in Cres have a good history that dates back in time and we decided to visit. We were fascinated by the sight of the monastery and the altar. A tour around was awesome and had the chance to see the well preserved Baroque organ.


12/11/2021 11:22

I found difficulties locating this site in Cres but when i found your guide, i was happy because the pictures were clear and communicated clearly to me about this place and the maps easy to read. Cycling around this place with my friends was a magical experience to us. Thanks a million times to you.
Showing 81 - 90 of 581 total