Anna De

Anna De ico-vefified-1

Member Since Nov 2021

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Reviews from guests

Showing 211 - 220 of 581 total


25/11/2021 10:58

The guide gave a detailed description of the geographic and physical features of the Kupa River. I learned that the river is 296 km long connecting karst and pannonian. The green-blue waters and the forest and high rocks add to the beauty of the location. Will bring my husband in the next visit.


19/11/2021 10:58

Korana river is picture-perfect with the beautiful landscape. The guide gave a detailed explanation of the place and highlighted the green landscape and clear waters. I particularly loved the peaceful and relaxing ambiance of the location. I had a wonderful experience with my fiance.


26/10/2021 10:58

The walk along the Korana River was like an answered prayer for me for this tour, had a sense of calmness.I took photos and videos of the waterfalls here.Later in the day I went for cycling along river Mreznica.


04/12/2021 10:58

The guide provided an important tip on swimming and therefore had to take and my swimming costumes with me. Although it was my first time boating, the experience was mind blowing. The free concerts especially during the Karlovac Beer Days were something else ;overwhelming impressive.


17/10/2021 10:58

I loved Gradina in Solin. It was cool and relaxing. I came here with the help of the wonderful guide and visited Gospin Otok too. There are more locations shown that I will come back to visit. I really had a great time .


06/11/2021 10:58

The City Gates at Solin we're such a beauty to behold. We proceeded to the five bridges where we had a wonderful time. Your guide was of great help. Thank you.


18/11/2021 10:58

The guide was helpful in explaining the various changes that occurred in the City Gate-Porta Caesarea over the years. I learned that the initial gate was studied by Carrara in 1846 and excavated by Bullic in 1906 and a water supply was built over it. It is a location that holds the rich Croatian culture history.


03/01/2022 10:58

The Solin Amphitheatre holds a vast history of the Christian religion according to the guide. proclaimers of the Christian religion were executed here. There is even an oratory dedicated to St.Asterius and these martyrs. I was awed that the location could hold over 1800 spectators who witnessed these executions and fights.


05/12/2021 10:58

I loved the amphitheatre for its beauty and architecture. With the help of the guide, I visited the Jadro river and loved its clean water. It is a watercourse and it supplies water to different cities.


26/12/2021 10:58

The spectacular guide helped me find my way around the area. As a believer I got to know and understand the history of these amazing historical sites for example the Hollow Church was used for the coronation of the King. I paid my respect to the Solin Martyrs in Kapljuc.
Showing 211 - 220 of 581 total