Anna De

Anna De ico-vefified-1

Member Since Nov 2021

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Reviews from guests

Showing 181 - 190 of 581 total


05/11/2021 11:22

Your guides were very helpful enabling me to reach here without getting lost. The City Market was marvelous, i interacted with the charming locals, bought some products and even experienced their traditions. It was a dream come true to see the City Clock which is the main symbol of recognizability of Rijeka.


25/11/2021 11:22

The guide was interesting as it helped has through the historic places. we were overwhelmed with the experience at the Hum Castle and the Colosseum, Pula. We visited four of the destinations in the guide.


15/12/2021 11:22

I really enjoyed visiting these places that I discovered on the guide. Their architectural design and structures were just unique. I also learnt about the cultural heritage of the people in this community. It was a thrilling experience thanks to the guide.


14/01/2022 11:22

I went through the guide before I visited Istria and I was amazed on how detailed the information on the guide was. It was an epic learning and adventurous experience. The fortresses had a wide collection of artefacts. I enjoyed going through their displays.


07/11/2021 11:22

With the assistance of this guide I was able to locate historical place within Istria. It simplified my tour from one place to another. I visited most of the Historical places and it was really nice learning about the history of this community. I enjoyed every bit of my journey.


17/01/2022 11:22

We had an awesome journey on our trip around the amazing places on the guide. We visited the Verudela fortress and most of the places stated on the guide and learned of the great history that the place holds. Interesting things that we enjoyed and thanks to the guide we visited the castles too.


22/11/2021 11:22

Remarkable trip around most of the historic places that were on the guide and it was fun. We took some beautiful pictures on some of the amazing landmarks and historic places. The tour was a success with a visit to Castle Morosini Grimani and other castles that were superb.


05/12/2021 11:22

Memorable visit in Istria as we had the opportunity to tour the amazing historic places. The visit to the the Colosseum was remarkable as we enjoyed the beautiful architectural buildings and the history of the places. We toured on most of the places indicated on the guide and it was a lovely trip.


15/10/2021 11:22

Wonderful guide for the journey and we had the chance of visiting 4 locations out of 10 locations. I enjoyed the trip at Dvigrad where ruins of the old town were built and had unforgettable experience at Hum Castle in Istria where we were told of the Slavic alphabet created by Methodius.


11/10/2021 11:22

Exciting experience it was, the amphitheatre was spacious to accomodate me and my film students and the films shown here were thrilling. We visited 7 of the 10 places suggested in the guide and we grabbed some helpful information. Impressive tour at Twin Gates of Motovun, worth a visit and ended our tour at the Pazin Abyss.
Showing 181 - 190 of 581 total