Lokrum legenda


Legenda o prokletstvu Lokruma:Po legendi, nakon pada Dubrovačke Republike, nove su vlasti odlučile zatvoriti samostan na otoku i maknuti redovnike. Benediktinci su na sve načine nastojali ostati na otoku, koji je stoljećima bio njihov dom, no nisu uspjeli. Posljednju večer koju su proveli na otoku, u svojim su ogrtačima sa kapuljačama na glavi napustili su crkvu te su tri puta okružili otok, pritom u ruci držeći okrenute svijeće.Njihova procesija je trajala čitavu noć, vosak je kapao po zemlji, a redovnici su naglas proklinjali „Neka bude proklet svatko tko Lokrum uzme u posjed za vlastiti užitak!“. Od tog trenutka svaki budući vlasnik ovog malog otočića završio je tragično.Lokrum je postao otok isključivo u 'javnom' vlasništvu, dan svima na bezuvjetno uživanje. Morate se samo pridržavati izreke: “Ne uzimaj ništa s Lokruma. Ni pero pauna, ni listić ubran u botaničkom vrtu, jer ono što si uzeo s otoka to njemu i dalje pripada. I donosi nesreću novom vlasniku.”

№422 in Cities of Croatia

The Lokrum legenda Maps


(6 reviews)
It was like a dream come true to find this cursed Island that brings misfortune to anyone who takes anything from it. I just heard stories about the place and am glad i set my foot on it. Our tour guide was elaborative on why the monks(initial owners of the Island) decided to curse this Island, a wonderful narrative to listen to.
This was an exciting place to visit considering its history. i also made sure to remember not to take anything from this place lest the monks curse follows me. Nonetheless, i had an enjoyable stay.
Great history about the island and we enjoyed getting a taste of the knowledge. We enjoyed the awesome views of the sea and the amazing vegetation. We loved the trill with the time that we spent at the island.
The history of this Island is pretty amazing. It's a beautiful Island. I had to take a boat to this Island. Touring it was an adventurous experience. I got to see the Benedictine Monastery. It is lovely. I enjoyed my moment on this Island.
Though this place is creepy because of the curse story, we enjoyed touring the historic sites and taking great pictures.
very good!!!