Anna De

Anna De ico-vefified-1

Member Since Nov 2021

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Reviews from guests

Showing 121 - 130 of 581 total


13/10/2021 11:22

Through the guide, I was able to discover very interesting places in Sibenik. I planned myself with the help of the guide and I was able to visit most of these places.


06/11/2021 11:22

This guide includes all the places one should not miss out while visiting Sibenik. It is well detailed and the descriptions are perfect. It really helped me familiarize myself with this amazing town


31/10/2021 11:22

Some of the interesting places and peaceful were the churches that we visited. Beautiful places with amazing architectural structures and awesome paintings that are on the walls of the buildings. We were amazed by the glamourous things at the place.


31/10/2021 11:22

The Sea Tunnel is one the amazing places that we visited on the guide. We enjoyed most of the places that we toured and the guide was helpful on the whole trip. We were perplexed by the places and the amazing things that were at the place.


01/01/2022 11:22

Awesome guides that assisted us on our trip in Sibenik. We enjoyed some interesting places that we visited and its superb. The Fortress of St Michael was among the several fortress we visited and enjoyed the scenic views and amazing history of the places.


13/11/2021 11:22

In the places suggested by the guide, i especially loved the Church of St Barbara because of the valuable collection of sculptures and paintings inside the church. I loved exploring the remains of what was once a protective location in the Fortress.


30/11/2021 11:22

The guide gives a descriptive explanation of the directions of Sibenik and the things to enjoy while here.I went for boat riding while in Sibenik and later relaxed on the well trimmed grass and vegetation where my kids also had a chance to play. Thank You for the well informed guide.


25/12/2021 11:22

The guide was quite informative and it assisted us in coming up with decisions of the places to visit while in Split. We are excited we choose to vacation here and we spent time at the squar watching people go on with their daily lives.


28/10/2021 11:22

The guide was really handy when I visited this town. It had fascinating historical monuments. The guide helped me locate this places. It was also easier to move within this town thanks to the guide.


06/12/2021 11:22

I visited this city and I enjoyed every bit of it thanks to the guide. It is a town full of numerous tourist destinations. I really enjoyed touring its churches. Their structures are so unique and they just stand out. Their beauties were marvelous. I enjoyed touring this town thanks to the guide.
Showing 121 - 130 of 581 total