Zalec Bay


Zalec Bay is located in Sevid, in its center. The beach is pebbly with some concrete stone parts suitable for sunbathing. The entrance to the sea is gentle, shallow, and the seabed is covered with smaller stones. There is no natural shade on the beach, so protect yourself from the sun or bring an umbrella. Also, there are no additional facilities or props, and catering facilities are located in relative proximity. Trogir is also close by, so if you are traveling by car, be sure to consider visiting this beautiful historic city.


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№1 of 3 places in Sevid
№524 of 2178 places in Croatia
№1 of 3 public beach in Sevid
№317 of 790 public beach in Croatia

Place Type

public beach



Place Location


(4 reviews)
I an artist and i needed some quiet space out of the busy world and this small town Sevid offered just that. Took a walk at the pebbly beach then set out to enjoy enjoy organically grown foods.
I enjoyed deep diving and exploring aquatic life. It was great to learn about the various lives that exist in the open waters. I also engaged in zip lining along the beach with my son. I had a great vacation period
This pebbly beach with some concrete stone parts makes it ideal for people looking to just relax and sunbathe in the summer sun. it has a shallow and gentle sea entrance that allows fo rswimming. There is no shade here so best you get some sunscreen. Catering activities are nearby with no additional facilities on the beach. Consider visiting this wonderful place, refreshments are available in the Trogir nearby.
very good!!!
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