Der Trstevica Strand


Der Strand Trstevica ist ein Kieselstrand, der sich auf der kleinen Insel Prvich befindet. Er befindet sich in einer natürlichen Bucht, so dass das Meer hier ruhig und warm ist. Neben dem Strand befindet sich ein Pinienwald, der in den heißen Sommermonaten natürlichen Schatten spendet. Aufgrund des sanften Einstiegs und des flachen Meeres ist der Strand eine gute Wahl für Familien mit kleinen Kindern. In der Nähe gibt es ein Restaurant, in dem man etwas trinken oder dalmatinische Spezialitäten essen kann.

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№2 of 3 places in Prvic Island
№738 of 2178 places in Croatia
№1 of 1 public beach in Prvic Island
№523 of 790 public beach in Croatia

Place Type

public beach


Prvich Island

Place Location

Južna obala, ulica IX. br. 91, 22234, Prvić Šepurine


(4 reviews)
The shallow sea is beautiful and family friendly.There're endless pine trees to provide a cool and calming shade with a cool breeze from the sea. The restaurant nearby offers a very special Dalmatian cuisine which I loved and really enjoyed their cold refreshing drinks.This beach is very family friendly where kids can even play on the shallow sea.
I give it a five star since I ended up enjoying jet skiing, swimming and kayaking all in one beach. My little kids also got to enjoy since the beach is half sandy.
Clean blue water welcomes you into this long beach. Its is calm and warm perfect place for swimming in a hot summer afternoon. Majority of the people come here to rewind into nature due to the presence of large pine wood which always keep the air in the beach clean and fresh.
very good!!!
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