Dvor Trakošćan


Trakošćan je osnovan krajem 13. stoljeća u obrambenom sustavu sjeverozapadne Hrvatske kao osmatračnica za nadzor ceste od Ptuja do doline rijeke Bednje.
Prema legendi, Trakošćan je dobio ime po tračkoj tvrđavi (arx Thacorum) koja je navodno postojala u antičko doba. Druga preživjela tradicija kaže da je ime dobila po vitezovima Drachenstein koji su vladali ovim područjima u ranom srednjem vijeku.
Toponim Trakošćan prvi se put spominje u pisanim dokumentima 1334. godine.
Vlasnici utvrde u prvim stoljećima nisu poznati, znamo samo da su od kraja 14. stoljeća vlasnici bili grofovi Celjski, koji su istodobno vladali cijelom Zagorskom županijom. Ubrzo ova obitelj izumire i Trakošćan dijeli sudbinu ostatka njihovih gradova i imanja koje razni gospodari fragmentiraju i mijenjaju. U ovoj podjeli Trakošćan kao jedinstveno dobro prvo pripada vojskovođi Janu Vitovcu, zatim Ivaniš Korvinu, koji ga je darovao svom podbanu Ivanu Gyulayu. Ova obitelj zadržava dvorac tri generacije, a 1566. godine dvorac je preuzela država.

See more about Trakoscan

№1 of 1 places in Trakoscan
№34 of 2178 places in Croatia
№1 of 1 Historic buildings in Trakoscan
№10 of 177 Historic buildings in Croatia

Place Type

Historic buildings



Place Location

Trakošćan 4, 42253, Bednja


(14 reviews)
2023.04.15: Csodaszép helyen, kellemes sétaúttal megközelíthető a kastély. Látogatható és remek, karbantartott állapotban vannak a termek, a bútorok, minden..... Sajnos a tó épp ki van száradva, reméljük, ez csak átmeneti.
very good!!!
The history of this castle was surprising. I loved admiring this place and seeing its ancient originality. The vast collection of historic artefacts was amazing. Touring this place was magical.
The castle holds a great history and is a museum currently. We learned about the way the family used to live and also loved the exhibitions at the museum.
We toured the place with my girlfriend for a weekend and the trip was worth it. The we had an amazing time at the castle and were pretty much relaxed. We enjoyed the evening walks around the palace and visited the lake and it was phenomenal.
The castle design is out of this world. The wall design and floor finishing was unique and bike rides are allowed. We really had an easy time touring the fine place.
The location of this castle was strategic to serve as a defense system during war. The floors of this castle were unique. The surrounding vegetation were amazing to look at.
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