Der Hauptstrand des Soderica-Sees


Der Hauptstrand des Soderica-Sees ist ein langer halbkreisförmiger Strand, der vollständig aus Kies besteht und sich entlang der Uferlinie des Sees erstreckt. Soderica ist bei den Bewohnern von Legrad und der Umgebung sehr beliebt. Die Strände hier sind teilweise aus Kies und teilweise aus Gras. Hohe Bäume bieten Ihnen natürlichen Schatten, um sich von der Hitze zu erholen. Die Umgebung des Strandes und des Sees ist gepflegt, und die Wasserqualität wird jeden Tag geprüft. Am Strand finden Sie öffentliche Duschen und Toiletten, mehrere Cafés und ein Restaurant. Obwohl Verpflegungsmöglichkeiten vorhanden sind, bringen die meisten Besucher ihr eigenes Essen mit und nehmen an einem der vielen Tische und Bänke Platz oder grillen. In der Nähe gibt es auch einen Kinderspielplatz und mehrere Sport- und Freizeitanlagen. Oberhalb des Strandes befindet sich eine beliebte Wochenendanlage.

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№1 of 1 places in Soderica Lake
№85 of 2178 places in Croatia
№1 of 1 public beach in Soderica Lake
№26 of 790 public beach in Croatia

Place Type

public beach

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(11 reviews)
We carried some cooked food and had barbeque at the table on the pebble beach that we visited. The beach has crowd of people and we had fun engaging on activities and the facilities such as toilets and showers were available. Nice place and amazing memories that we made.
It was very cordial walking along the tall trees while inhaling fresh air. Since there was children playground, my kids enjoyed throwing their kites while running up and down . So amazing
Such a lovely beach which is partly grassy and pebbly. The long semicircular beach made entirely of gravel follows the shoreline of the lake. It is surrounded by tall trees and my friends brought their own barbecue since it is allowed in the beach. Perfect day out with friends. There are some coffee bars and a restaurant on the beach.
Always wondered how it'd feel spending time on a town beach and the experience here was fulfilling. The beach offered us relative peace and quiet and the children enjoyed the small playground in the pebbly beach.
The pebble and concrete beach is rarely crowded and when we visited the beach with my family the kids enjoyed playing along the grounds with other kids. The peace and calmness at the cafe spots was lovely as we enjoyed the refreshments.
My kids and I arrived at the beach late evening and luckily we got friendly staff who offered us resting place. We ate delicious meals served with tasty drinks. Memorable holiday to my kids.
The tall trees found here offered us with natural shade to relax from the heat. The water quality of this beach was good and even safe for swimming. I loved every moment here.
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