Racha Cave


This cave will be a must-see because it is both a natural site and a historical monument. It is a protected geomorphological monument and an archaeological site.

As the former it is seventy meters long and very spacious, with smaller rooms and sections separated by walls and the abundance of stalagmites and stalactites. Its dome and safest corners are a home to a colony of bats, including members of an endangered bat species. The archaeological data testifies that the cave was inhabited in the late stone age, and the ages following it, all the way to the Greek and Roman era. The artefacts found point that it was permanently inhabited in the neolithic age and occasionally in the Bronze era.

The most important find is the wood carving razor tool with a double blade and a cross embossed in the middle.

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№1677 of 2178 places in Croatia
№1 of 1 Monuments in Lastovo
№35 of 55 Monuments in Croatia

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20290, Lastovo


(7 review)
very good!!!
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