Museum of Brodsko Posavlje


The Museum of Brodsko Posavlje is located in Slavonski Brod. It is a general museum that has a mission to show and teach the public and citizens about the tradition, past, customs and objects from the daily life of the inhabitants of Slavonski Brod and its surroundings through the past. The work of the museum is primarily related to preserving the identity of the homeland. This museum complex with its collections deinitively intends to become a significant regional museum at the Croatian level. In addition to collecting and preserving heritage objects, the transfer of knowledge and skills to new generations will be encouraged.

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№8 of 10 places in Slavonski Brod
№1851 of 2178 places in Croatia
№5 of 5 museums and galleries in Slavonski Brod
№152 of 175 museums and galleries in Croatia

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very good!!!
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