

Er wird auch Lokvarsko-See genannt und wurde nach den Menschen benannt, die ihn als Jugendarbeitsbrigade während des Jugoslawienkriegs gebaut haben. Heute ist er ein Sport- und Freizeitzentrum der Region, in dem verschiedene Wettkämpfe ausgetragen werden, vom Rudern bis zum Angeln, Abenteurer können Ausrüstung mieten und einige der Sportarten ausprobieren.

№41 in Lakes of Croatia

The Jugendsee Maps


(21 reviews)
We rented the adventuring equipments and we tried some of the sports which give me a craving of visiting this place more.We were lucky to join the locals in the rowing competition and also the fishing competition. The locals were cordial and charming.
This place was rich in cultural heritage and history. We visited the museum where historical artifacts were kept. Our guide told us much more about this place than we knew. We enjoyed our tour around the town.
A location that ensures you have fun and keep fit. The different recreational and sports activities offered make it a wonderful destination for people who want to just have fun in the water. I enjoyed rowing especially, under the sun occasional water splashes, a thrilling experience to say the least
very good!!!
Rowing on the lake is one of the activities that i enjoyed and loved every moment at the waters. Unforgettable momments.
The place organizes events and festivals to celebrate and it is always an amazing atmosphere to experience. Happy moments to live for.
Kayaking at the lake was fun and enjoyable for me and the whole crew and it was intresting activity.