Gacka Valley


Gacka ist ein wertvoller ethnografischer Ort, an dem die Fülle wahrer Werte einstimmig zusammentrifft: Schönheit, Wasser, Landschaft, Tradition, Authentizität und natürlich die Gastronomie! Das Wasser des Flusses ist Trinkwasser (zweitbeste Qualität in Europa), die einheimische Forelle ist der begehrteste Flussfisch, die Wasserpflanzen der Gacka wurden einst an das Vieh verfüttert, an den Quellen des Flusses (in Sinac - Tonkovic und Majerevo vrilo) und den Wasserfällen (in der Schweiz) wurden Weizenmühlen renoviert, sowie Stampfmühlen zum Waschen und "Weichmachen" von hausgemachten Wolltextilien und Körbe zum Rollen und Waschen von Wolldecken, die Sie in der Nähe besichtigen und kaufen können, solche einheimischen Produkte. In der Region gibt es Rad-, Wander- und Bergsteigerwege, man kann angeln oder Kajak fahren.Interessante Veranstaltungen:- Gacka-Karneval, Otocec-Tag; Januar Februar- Folklorefestival der Gespanschaft Lika-Senj: Mai- Gacka-Tage, Konzerte und Theateraufführungen: Juli - August- Barkan Memorial Bike Ride, Juni- Ecoethno Gachka, Ausstellung- Verkaufsmesse in Sinac, Juli- Altes Sportturnier in Gačan, Oktober- Advent Otocac, Dezember.

№227 in Cities of Croatia

The Gacka Valley Maps


(13 reviews)
very good!!!
I needed an active vacation and that was why I came here. I went cycling, hiking, and fishing and it was fun. I also participated in local festivals like old sports tournaments and Gachka Carnival.
I accompanied one of the fishermen there to see how it was done and i got an experience myself firsthand. After that i went for a short hiking tour on the mountainous region and took pics of the land far and beyond. The view was one of a kind, i enjoyed it
My father and I attended the Old Sports Tournament in Gachan in October where i witnessed different sports competitions taking place. We then went for fishing in river Gacka where we had a great bonding time.We really had a great time.
I attended an engagement party that was held in a yacht and the experience was like no other. From the sea the view of the resort especially for its greenery was something to marvel at. The warm air in the atmosphere was very welcoming.
The nature in this town was lovely. The landscape and its beauty was breathtaking. I had an adventurous experience in this town. I got to visit the wheat mills and also the stamping mills. I bought one woven basket as a souvenir. It was a magical experience.
The natural beauty of this town is so splendid, Its scenery was so nice. It is a really historical town. I enjoyed visiting the wheat mills. It was a good learning experience. I loved it.