Das Tote Meer


Das Tote Meer ist ein Salzsee in der Mitte der wunderschönen Insel Lokrum. Umgeben von Sonnenschein ist er sehr warm, und seine von Felsen umgebene Umgebung macht ihn zu einem wahren Paradies für Wasserspringer. Der See ist von Pinienwäldern umgeben, die Schatten spenden und Erholung vom Schwimmen bieten. In der Nähe gibt es ein kleines Café, ganz im Wald gelegen, mit abgelegenen Tischen, so dass jeder Gast seine Privatsphäre hat.

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№1 of 5 places in Lokrum Island
№352 of 2178 places in Croatia
№1 of 1 wild beach in Lokrum Island
№10 of 43 wild beach in Croatia

Guides in this place

Place Type

wild beach


Insel Lokrum

Place Location

Lokrum, 20000, Dubrovnik


(6 reviews)
The warm temperatures of the day excited us for the drive and swimming at the sparkling waters of the sea. The pine trees had the natural shade available and it was not crowded on our visit. The restaurants are among the vital and lovely places we visited and enjoyed the tasty meals and drinks.
Me and my fellow jumpers found a perfect place to enjoy our wild hobby. The lake is surrounded with sunshine and is very warm. The rocky surroundings is what attracted us here and the remote tables a the small cafe that offered us privacy.
I loved basking in the morning in the sunshine as i enjoyed the warm temperatures of this beach. It was not crowded hence less disturbances and maximum relaxation at the beach. The lake is surrounded by pine trees that provided us with the shade and rest after swimming.
This was a real paradise for jumpers like me. The beach is surrounded by rocks which act as a good backdrop for taking photos. Had an unforgettable experience here.
It is surrounded by rocks and is a real good place for jumpers. It is surrounded by pine trees which make it a cool place because of the shade it provides. What mostly amazed me is the café that has remote tables so guests can have some bit of privacy!
very good!!!
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