Kalavojna Beach


Kalavojna Beach is a beautiful, wide pebble beach located in a beautiful bay on the shores of the Istrian peninsula. If you have rented accommodation in the nearby town of Rakalj or you are just passing along the coastline of the peninsula and looking for refreshment, Kalavojna Beach is an ideal place for that.

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№1 of 3 places in Rakalj
№550 of 2178 places in Croatia
№1 of 2 public beach in Rakalj
№343 of 790 public beach in Croatia

Place Type

public beach



Place Location


(4 reviews)
vacationing with my wife in this location helped us reconnect and have a romantic experience. We enjoyed watching the sunrise and set from our beautiful rooms. We also discovered a lot about nature and we will be visiting again soon on our upcoming anniversary.
I stayed in Rakalj and had a chance to enjoy a beautiufl, wide-pebbled beach in teh shores of the Istrian peninsula. This place offers refrshment for even people just passing by along the coastline, it has a good number of visitors but I enjoyed visiting and definitely will visit again.
This beach is perfect for nightlife celebrations and just amazing the local community loves this place a lot and they have chosen to preserve it in its most natural form. you will find nothing but cleanliness in this place.
very good!!!
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