Znidaricka Beach


Znidaricka Beach is located in Zaglav on Dugi otok. The beach is completely covered with low rocks that lead directly into the sea, but the entrance is still gentle, and the seabed is covered with small stones. It is especially popular among boaters and divers. The beach is more private, and there is often no one on it. Natural shade can be found around the beach. There are no additional facilities or facilities on the beach, so be sure to bring everything you need for your vacation. The easiest way to get to the beach is by car.

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№4 of 10 places in Dugi Island
№615 of 2178 places in Croatia
№4 of 6 public beach in Dugi Island
№406 of 790 public beach in Croatia

Place Type

public beach


Dugi Island

Place Location


(4 reviews)
I enjoyed boat riding and diving here. The water is cool and the entrance to sea gentle. There is also a beautiful shade from the tall trees at the beach. You have to carry everything you need since there are no facilities at the beach.
After a long walk, I was finally able to reach the beach which had a nicely arranged pebbles at the footpaths all the way down to the sea. The sea was clean and clear but there are no restaurants around to grab cold drinks
Less crowded beaches are always a go-to place for me and this beach had that. The air was fresh and I enjoyed sitting below the tall dense pine trees as I read my novel in the evening.
very good!!!
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