Govedjari village


This village on the west side of the island has an interesting origin story.

After the end of the Roman rule the Benedictine monks built their monastery on this side of the island and did not allow permanent settlement in this area until the end of the eighteenth century. Each year, twelve peasants were selected to live here, but were allowed to settle only for the duration of that one year. However, in 1793, the monks finally allowed the Milich family to settle permanently, (a peasant family that moved to Mljet from Slano) in order to take care of the monastery’s cattle. After a while, more families were allowed to permanently settle here and the village of Govedjari began to expand.

Although the municipality of Govedjari includes places and villages located on the coast, the village of Govedjari is not located by the sea (and as such is the only place in the National Park that does not have its own sea access). However, it is very well connected to other places and locations, all easily reached from this inland hamlet.

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№2 of 2 natural areas in Mljet National Park
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Guides in this place

Place Type

natural areas

Place Location

20226 Goveđari


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