Croatia > Foods > Restaurant > Island of Vis > Fabrika restaurant & concept store

Fabrika restaurant & concept store


A restaurant and a concept store, Fabrika is one of those hip, modern places that don’t necessarily want to be defined. Instead it is a cheerful mix of youthful energies, hand-made furniture, mismatched decor and a fantastic menu to go with it. It is based on street food and aside from fabulous burgers you’ll be able to order wok, gazpacho and a number of other dishes, including breakfast and brunch food. While Fabrika makes a great choice for any meal of the day, dining here will feel like you went out to party and then sat for dinner and drinks afterwards, a whole full-rounded experience.

№1 in 18 Restaurant from Island of Vis
№460 in 1804 Restaurant from Croatia

Food Type



Island of Vis

Food Location

Ul. Riva Svetoga Mikule 12, 21485, Komiža


(7 review)
very good!!!
8 of 18 Restaurant from Island of Vis based on rating