Dvorac Odescalchi - Muzej grada Iloka


Dvorac Ilok ili dvorac Odescalchi gleda na grad Ilok u istočnoj Hrvatskoj. Izgrađen je na brežuljku iznad središta grada, s kojeg se pruža pogled na Dunav i Panonsku nizinu. Dvorac je izvorno, kao vlastitu rezidenciju, sagradio u 15. stoljeću Nikola Iločki, hrvatski potkralj i kralj Bosne. Osmanlije su osvojili Ilok u 16. stoljeću. Nakon pobjede protiv Osmanlija u Bečkoj bitci 1683. godine, car Leopold I. dodijelio je dvorac, značajna imanja i titulu vojvode od Srijema Liviju Odescalchiju, nećaku pape Inocenta XI i članu moćne talijanske plemićke obitelji Odescalchij, koja će biti u dvorcu sljedeća dva stoljeća. U 18. stoljeću Odescalchi je obnovio dvorac u baroknom stilu. Dvorac su nacionalizirale vlasti Jugoslavije 1945. godine. Nakon restauracije otvoren je za posjetitelje 2010. Na donja dva kata smješten je Muzej grada Iloka. Vinski podrumi dvorca među najpoznatijima su u Hrvatskoj.

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№2 of 3 places in Ilok
№277 of 2178 places in Croatia
№1 of 1 museums and galleries in Ilok
№30 of 175 museums and galleries in Croatia



Place Location

Šetalište o. Mladena Barbarića 5, 32236, Ilok


(6 reviews)
very good!!!
The castle really amazed us, very beautiful as old as it was, the artifacts were well preserved and the tour guide was very informative and friendly. The design was like in old england movies, it felt like a fantasy
Exploring this castle was an amazing experience. I loved seeing their weapon collection
We enjoyed the tour at the castle and got the chance to witness the preserved monuments beneath.
I toured the Ilok city miseum and winecellars present in this castle. It is a location that offers such cultural significance to the locals.
I toured this castle and i loved its ancient design and style. They had an eyecatching historic collection and the guides were hospitable
In Ilok we found 3 places. Show results