Plaža Nugal


Plaža Nugal također je skrivena plaža koju uglavnom posjećuju naturisti, a nalazi se na oko 2 km od gradske luke, između Makarske i Tučepa. To je jedinstvena prirodna ljepota i pravi izbor za one koji uživaju u naturističkom turizmu. Smješteno je u podnožju litice, a kad padne kiša, krasi ga prekrasan vodopad. Jedna je od najnagrađivanijih plaža u Hrvatskoj po izboru svjetskih medija. Do njega se može doći pješice kroz šumu ili brodom. Izuzetno je slikovit i to je jedan od razloga njegove popularnosti među turistima, posebno u današnjoj kulturi vizualnih medija koja dodatno povećava broj posjeta. Ima borovu šumu i pravi je dragulj makarskih plaža, kao i cijele Dalmacije.

See more about Makarska

№1 of 21 places in Makarska
№334 of 2178 places in Croatia
№1 of 11 public beach in Makarska
№149 of 790 public beach in Croatia

Place Type

public beach



Place Location

21300, Makarska


(6 reviews)
We got to the beach when it had just rained the previous night and the waterfall from the cliffs was just amazing to watch. The place is ideal for lovers of nature and it can be reached through the woods on foot, or by boat. It is popular among tourists so naturally it is crowded. The beautiful pine trees provide shade when it is too hot but carrying a parasol wouldn't hurt.
boat riding was so cordial on my side and I felt delighted. However, I attended swimming classes and it was very amazing. Next time I will tag along my boyfriend.
Do you love nature then this is the right place for you. Visited the beach that is located at the foot of a cliff with my mother. It is extremely picturesque and has a beautiful pine forest making it a real gem.
The beautiful beach is known for its unique reputation of naturalists and people were crowded at the beach on summer. Stunning views of the sea and the waterfall offers a lot more on the beach. the pine tree have a good shade that is relaxing at the beach and wonderful.
it's hidden location and the greenery natural beauty keeps the place beautiful. Besides that there is a clear waterfall seen more when it's raining which keeps the beach beautiful. I will definitely come back
very good!!!
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