Memorijalni centar Nikola Tesla, Smiljan


Sjajni znanstvenik Nikola Tesla, koji je izumio kotač modernog doba i "osvijetlio je svijet" rođen je 1856. u Smiljanu. Odrastao je i svoja prva znanja stekao u Gospiću. Memorijalni centar Nikole Tesle, otvoren 2006. godine na njegov 150. rođendan, na jednom je mjestu ujedinio znanost, umjetnost i turizam.

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№55 of 2178 places in Croatia
№1 of 1 museums and galleries in Smiljan
№5 of 175 museums and galleries in Croatia



Place Location

Smiljan 87/1, 53211, Smiljan


(13 reviews)
This place blew my mind away. I never knew art and science can be combined to produce something spectacular. I was able to see his inventions and life achievements
very good!!!
When we visited the place we had the chance to tour at the showroom We enjoyed ourselves as we found the place had a documentary ongoing of Nikola Tesla and it was amazing. Unforgettable moments for us.
Touring this place was breathtaking. His achievements and inventions were displayed. The environment was serene where children can just play.
Nice place to visit and totally worth that time and trip. We toured the place and witnessed the home for Nikola Tesla. We also loved the house and had the chance to learn the historical data and his life achievements.
We visited the Memorial Center with the kids and they had an amazing time at the place. They had an opportunity to play at the nice big playground at the place and loved it. The kids could not stop talking about the place.
The place really summarized Nikola tesla's life and his amazing inventions. They were well preserved,it was a great documentary and i learned alot.
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