Plaža Katoro


Plaža Katoro nalazi se četiri kilometra od Umaga, grada poznatog kao dom brojnih velikih teniskih turnira. Plaža Katoro ima kombinaciju betonskih, šljunčanih i stjenovitih dijelova. To je obiteljski orijentirana plaža idealna za malu djecu koja uče plivati.

Plaža Katoro turistima nudi brojne aktivnosti poput odbojke na pijesku, minigolfa, tenisa i stolnog tenisa. Djeca se mogu zabaviti na dječjem igralištu, a roditelji se opuštaju ispijajući kavu u baru udaljenom samo nekoliko koraka od plaže. Trgovine s opremom za kupanje nalaze se na plaži pa ćete na licu mjesta imati sve što vam treba.

Plaža Katoro vjerojatno je najbolja betonska plaža na zapadnoj strani Istre pa se tamo okupajte ako ljetujete u blizini!

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№4 of 17 places in Umag
№418 of 2178 places in Croatia
№4 of 11 public beach in Umag
№218 of 790 public beach in Croatia

Guides in this place

Place Type

public beach



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(4 reviews)
The concrete beach was one of the finest i have ever been to, it has so many recreational activities to choose from volleyball, mini golf and tennis. Children playground is also available for any families looking to visit, there is also a bar that offers all kinds of beverages and drinks, and shops with swimming equipment is also available, Fantastic!!
An all rounded family destination is the best description of this concrete, pebble and partly rocky beach, it has a children's playground for kids to have fun. They offer sports activities such as minigolf, so you cannot get bored. The bar ensures there is refreshment as one relaxes and there shops with swimming equipment, Visiting again with my kids.
After seeing the blue flag placed on the beach, I knew that that was a sign of purity of the sea and the quality of the service. My cousins and I played tennis and mini golf for the better part of our day.
very good!!!
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