Plaža Južna luka


Plaža Južna luka na Ugljanu je jedna od najljepših plaža na ovom otoku u Zadarskom arhipelagu. Ako ste unajmili apartman, sobu ili kuću za odmor na Ugljanu, Južnu luku ćete pronaći 3 kilometra od naselja Ugljan, u Donjem selu, na sjeverozapadnim obalama otoka s pogledom na otok Iž u daljini. Prepoznat ćete je lako jer je smještena u dugačkoj uvali, krasi je zlaćani pijesak, a posvud na plaži iz pijeska izviru glatke kamene gromade koje moje miluje vjekovima. Ovdje nema dodatnih sadržaja, a ipak je plaža popularna u ljetnim mjesecima pa požurite zauzeti svoje mjesto za uživanje u ljepotama Ugljana i obale Jadrana.

See more about Ugljan

№5 of 13 places in Ugljan
№696 of 2178 places in Croatia
№3 of 5 public beach in Ugljan
№482 of 790 public beach in Croatia

Place Type

public beach



Place Location


(4 reviews)
Even though there were no restaurants or entertainment centers, the beach still holds on its own with the beautiful warm sand and super nice breeze. There is also a beautiful view of the coastline.
This is the most beautiful beach I have ever been to. The sand is so pretty it looks golden. It has many people mostly during the summer and the sandy bottom of the sea feels nice walking on.
The beach is a bit crowded because it is closer to apartments so most people love to spend their time there. The long warm sand around the beach was fun to walk on only that there are no shower cabins to clean yourself.
very good!!!
In Ugljan we found 13 places. Show results