Crkva Sv.Eufemije


Eufemija je bila djevojka iz Grčke, u 3. stoljeću, koja se preobratila na kršćanstvo. Prema starom vjerovanju, postala je mučenicom cara Dioklecijana pošto je propovijedala vjeru koja tada nije bila prihvaćena. Time potican, Dioklecijan ju je bacio među lavove na milost i nemilost, no ona biva spašena silaskom anđela sa neba, bez ijednog ugriza. Ovim čudom Eufemija je nakon svoje smrti, koja je, prozavana sveticom i mučenicom kršćanstva. Njezine relikvije čuvale su se u različitim zemljama u različito vrijeme. Ovdje nastaje druga legenda o čudu, iz 18. Stoljeća, koja nam govori kako je njen teški kameni sarkofag zajedno sa relikvijama, morem od Carigrada doplovio do grada Rovinja, gdje su ga njegovi stanovnici pomoću životinja odvukli na mjesto tadašnje crkve Svetog Jurja, koja postaje Eufremijinim hramom i vječnim počivalištem vidljivim i danas. Sveta Eufemija je također i zaštitnica grada Rovinja, čiji se dan obilježava 16. rujna. Mnogi posjetitelji upravo tada dolaze u Rovinj, na sveto hodočašće kako bi joj odali počast.

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№2 of 37 places in Rovinj
№24 of 2178 places in Croatia
№1 of 6 Churches and cathedrals in Rovinj
№3 of 290 Churches and cathedrals in Croatia

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Place Location

Trg Sv. Eufemije, 52210, Rovinj


(15 reviews)
As a firm believer i went on a holy pilgrimage to pay their respect. I was amused to learn the history of a girl who became a martyr because she preached a faith that was not acceptable at that time. It was thrilling to witness how congregants were dedicated in honoring their beliefs and culture. Personally, i enjoyed looking at the beautiful artwork. It was an incredible experience.
Wonderful history of the church that we visited with a nice view of the sorrounding from the tower with the bell.
very good!!!
Very beautiful church, it offers the highest views in the town and is surrounded by a park where i was able to sit and relax and take photos.
my friends and I loved everything about the church. the glasses, but the view tops it all. it was breathtaking to view the town below from a higher placeç
my fiancée and I went up the tower specifically for the view of the sunset. and it did not dissapoint.the best view I got as the rays hit the waters. I also got a beautiful surprise when I spotted some dolphins .
We went hiking up the hill and the experience was awesome. Amazing views of the split and would recommend a visit to the place.
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