Kirche des Hl. Antonius des Einsiedlers


Am Eingang zum alten Teil von Visnjan befindet sich eine kleine Kirche des Heiligen Antonius des Einsiedlers aus dem 14. Jahrhundert. Im Inneren der Kirche sind interessante Fresken und Graffiti erhalten geblieben, von denen einige in glagolitischer Schrift geschrieben sind. Es werden Szenen aus dem Leben des Heiligen Antonius gezeigt, und eine ungewöhnliche Szene ist Die Versuchung des Heiligen Antonius - eine schöne Frau hebt die Röcke ihres Kleides und zeigt dem Heiligen ihr nacktes Bein, um ihn zu verführen.

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№19 of 2178 places in Croatia
№1 of 2 Churches and cathedrals in Visnjan
№2 of 290 Churches and cathedrals in Croatia



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(15 reviews)
very good!!!
The marble altars of this church caught my eyes. It has a magnificent interior full of graffiti. The frescoes were amazing to look at. The environment was calm. I totally loved it.
This church was built in the 14th century. It has unique frescoes and graffiti. This church is quite small but it has a great religious history. The history of this church was pretty amazing. My experience here was divine
The church has interesting frescoes and graffiti which set a good backdrop for photoshoot. As a film lover, I enjoyed watching the scene of Temptation whereby a beautiful woman lifts the skirts as she shows the Saint her bare leg in bid to seduce him. The path to the church was well decorated. I enjoyed the breeze from the trees outside which also provide a satisfying shade. I also loved the spectacular sculptures in the buildings which compliment the lovely surroundings of the church. Best suitable for photographers.
We visited the church of st. Anthony the hermit in our tour of Lisbon. We paid to enter, walked around, and had a look at the paintings, sculptures, and everything there. We also took a lot of pictures with our family and friends
The unique frescoes and graffitti present in this location caught my eye. I loved how the ancient inhabitants celebrated their tradition and culture.
The marble altars and metal gate were dazzling, the path to the church was well decorated and weather was perfectly fine for some photos
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