Anna De

Anna De ico-vefified-1

Member Since Nov 2021

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Reviews from guests

Showing 21 - 30 of 581 total


01/12/2021 11:22

Through the guide, I was able learn of this town's diverse tourist destinations. I really enjoyed using the guide it was efficient. I visited most of the places on the guide and they were all impressive.


19/12/2021 11:22

Opatija is such a beautiful town. I loved touring this town. With the help of the guide, we toured quite a number of the places in this guide. We were able to make awesome memories. My stay here was amazing.


06/12/2021 11:22

I got to learn of the historical places and monuments in Opatija through the guide. It really came in handy. I wanted to experience a historical tour in Opatija. Through the information on the guide, I was able to achieve that, no place was left out. I enjoyed my trip to Opatija


09/11/2021 11:22

We are grateful we got a chance to use this wonderful guide. We visited the swiss house and the exhibition. Also, the panoramic view of carmen sylve promenade was very magnificent.


02/12/2021 11:22

One of the most beautiful places to visit mentioned in the guide is the church that has amazing features that make it unique and attractive. The external appearance was pure bliss and the quality of design inside is something else. Loved my experience thanks to the guide and would love to come back again.


05/11/2021 11:22

Inside the informative and great guide there are lots of statues and landmarks to visit in Opatija and we had the chance to visit the Madonna del Mare and it was lovely. Some amazing pictures that we took at the place and next to the statue and wonderful time to remember.


05/01/2022 11:22

Lovers of nature can have a smile when they visit Opatija. We were perplexed by the amazing garden that we visited and the diverse flora it has. The plant species were beautiful and a refreshing air with a mix of the scents from other flowers and plants was amusing. The guide was very useful to us.


13/01/2022 11:22

The charming seaside town offered us with many fantastic locations, impressive monuments, landscaped parks and magnificent villas which we explored during our two day trip here. I bought fruits and vegetables grown in the gardens of Opatija as well as cheeses and other local products to take back home. I appreciated the good guide.


04/12/2021 11:22

I was really interested in the history of this town. Through the guide, I was able to locate the historical buildings. It was such a fulfilling experience.


30/12/2021 11:22

With the help of the guide, I was able to know of the natural features within this town. I visited most of them and their view was spectacular. Thanks to the guide i had an adventurous experience.
Showing 21 - 30 of 581 total