Utvrda Tureta


Utvrda Tureta je kasnoantička četverokutna utvrda na otoku Kornatu. Visoko je pozicionirana pa se s nje mogla nadgledati plovidba cijelim Kornatskim kanalom. Jedina je sačuvana utvrda iz tog vremena na cijelom Jadranu, vjerojatno jer je izvan naselja pa materijal nije iskorišten za gradnju drugih građevina tijekom stoljeća. Danas je u zapuštenom stanju. Ispod nje se nalazi crkva sv. Marije, građena vjerojatno u isto vrijeme kao i utvrda.

See more about Kornati National Park

№1 of 2 places in Kornati National Park
№43 of 2178 places in Croatia
№1 of 2 Ruins and archeological sites in Kornati National Park
№2 of 101 Ruins and archeological sites in Croatia

Place Location

22243, Kornati


(13 reviews)
We had the best time of our lives as we enjoyed swimming downhill at the waters. It was an amazing experience and we had a lot of fun at the fortress. We would love to visit the place more and we just love the place.
very good!!!
Dazzling views of the landscape that we enjoyed and witnessed. The ruins were spectacular and we had an amazing time on our trip to the place. I would recommend a visit to the place for anybody, have a good gear for the tour.
This fortress is in ruins but one could still picture its architectural design. It lies on an island. The view from the top was magical. Perfect place for a photo
Visiting Tureta fortress was the best moment of my life. The beauty, design and structure of the place is worthwhile.
A tour around the fort enabled me to learn how military personnel used this location as a hiding point. I got to experience millitary life through this tour.
We went hiking when we were at the Tureta Fortress and the experience is unmatched. The rock climbing uphill was spectacular and we had fun with my friends. I enjoyed the activity and the cool breeze on the trail.
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