Schrein Unserer Lieben Frau von Trsat


Das Heiligtum der Muttergottes von Trsat ist das größte Wallfahrtsheiligtum im westlichen Teil der Republik Kroatien. Das Heiligtum wurde während der Verlegung des Hauses Nazareth gebaut, das von 1291 bis 1294 in Trsat ansässig war. Nach dem großen Brand im Jahr 1629 war es notwendig, die Kirchen und das angrenzende Kloster weiter zu renovieren. Die Kirche und das Kloster wurden größtenteils im Barockstil restauriert, in dem sie auch heute noch zu erkennen sind. Auch die Innenausstattung ist im Barockstil gehalten, was vor allem an dem prächtigen Altar aus dem Jahr 1692 zu erkennen ist.

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№2 of 31 places in Rijeka
№131 of 2178 places in Croatia
№1 of 4 Churches and cathedrals in Rijeka
№22 of 290 Churches and cathedrals in Croatia



Place Location

51000, Rijeka


(8 reviews)
very good!!!
the visited together with my fellow believers and had a fulfillitime. the other amenities provide and are well maintained are a great way to make the place attractive. I enjoyed relaxing in Mary's Park in the evenings.
I visited from August 3rd to August 6th, 2017. The fantastic place has great sights and is a very active place. Went mountain climbing, saw a couple of churches, and enjoyed the church of our lady of treat in all its glory as well as small churches, some that were hidden on the hillside.
It exhibits a marvelous beauty in design and painting. It is peaceful and quiet i loved taking a moment there to explore the place
The park behind the church was fabulous and i had a peaceful walk that was refreshing.
We toured the church and it was fantastic with small beautiful building and awesome interior design and dazzling art work.
Baroque construction style used in the shrine speaks into the cultural heritage of the location. I loved touring through the various compartments of the shrine and getting to learn about the culture of the people who worshipped here.
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